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Showing Training
In-person and on-demand training on a range of applied topics in geochemistry and basin modelling.
Module 1: Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry Course
Providing an introduction to all of the APT training modules.Explore >
Module 2: Source Rocks
Source rocks; characterization, depositional environments, and predicting hydrocarbon type.Explore >
Module 3: Petroleum
Petroleum; characterization, formation, gas, and composition.Explore >
Module 4: Petroleum Systems Analysis and Basin Modelling
Introduction to the petroleum system concept and approaches to petroleum systems analysis.Explore >
Module 5: Applications of Biomarkers
Providing an understanding of what biomarkers are, where they come from, and what they can be used for.Explore >
Module 6: Conventional Reservoir Geochemistry
Learn the reasons for differences in fluid compositions, how reservoirs are filled and mix, and more.Explore >
Module 7: Geochemistry in Resource Plays
Understand the diversity of what are termed ‘unconventional plays,’ ‘quantified’ vs ‘qualitative’ production allocation, and more.Explore >
Module 8: Organic Petrology
Organic petrology; maturity, applications, and thermal history tools.Explore >
Module 9: Well Site Gas Analysis
Understand the origin of the gases collected during the drilling processes, how the data is reported by service companies, and more.Explore >
Module 10: Non-hydrocarbons in gas
Understand the origin of non-hydrocarbons in natural gas and how their presence may be predicted.Explore >