Easily Quantify GC and GC-MS Data
EASYQUAN enhances your experience with quantifying and analysing all types of GC and GC-MS data. Developed to simplify the creation of GC and GC-MS methods, this software enables the user to easily establish control charts for each component.
The EASYQUAN program is built to deal with GC-MS data files with standardised views of the data including Chromatogram view, the Mass Spectrum view and the List view. Through this it is simple to display all GC-MS data files, and to generate an EASYQUAN report. This report provides a comprehensive overview of your data.
The EASYQUAN program can be applied to quadrupole and magnetic sector instruments. Direct access of data files from Finnigan MAT, Hewlett-Packard/Agilent, VG, MicroMass, Thermo Scientific and Fison instruments is included in the software.
*EASYQUAN and SI-PIONA were developed by Kjell Urdal during his time at SINTEF Applied Chemistry and are now sold and supported by APT on behalf of SINTEF.