Fully Integrated Petroleum System Modeling
Understand your exploration risk and potential through fully integrated petroleum system modeling
APT routinely carries out detailed models for basins all over the globe.
Each study is always different and each presents a new set of questions and challenges to address.
Some of these include:
- How mature are my source rocks and what fluids are they capable of expelling?
- Do all my play elements occur at the appropriate times to reduce my exploration risk?
- What was the thermal development of my basin and does heat flow vary across the region?
- Can we gain an enhanced understanding of the likely phase in our identified traps?
- Is it feasible for expelled fluids to reach our structures via mapped migration pathways?
- How critical are the fault and top seals to the success of our prospects?
- Is there evidence of biodegradation and how does this change?
- What is the impact of salt presence on the region?
- Can we rank the prospects based on different petroleum system scenarios?
1D basin modelling
A full set of 1D models can be constructed to reveal the maturation of your source rocks, the timing of expulsion and provide thermal calibration for 3D models. 1D models can also give insight into compaction, porosity, pressure and other trends within the well.
3D basin modelling
Through setting up a carefully calibrated 3D model we can gain insights into the behaviour of the fluids in the subsurface and help de-risk your prospective area. APT can help you understand the source rock maturity, expulsion efficiency, migration pathways, top seal analysis and much more.
We are proud to have the unique advantage of exceptional in-house geochemistry and biostratigraphy laboratories
We can feed data directly into our modelling services.
We are able to provide a full analysis of your prospective area from source rock and fluid sampling to lab analysis, oil correlations to aging of sediments, and data interpretation to full integration with your geological interpretations.
From our vast selection of in-house databases and sequence stratigraphy schemes we can quickly draw information on source rock type, maturity, PVT, HC shows, fluid geochemistry and seal capacities to enhance our models.
We are fluent in Zetaware for 1D, 2D and 3D modelling and PetroMod.