
Extract value from your gas logs
APT, in partnership with Tim Dodd and ARKCLS (, have developed an effective and easy to use software package called GIRASOL (Gas Interpretation Reservoir Analysis Software).
The software requires drilling data (ROP, flow rate and hole size), Total gas data (%, ppm or units) and Chromatogram data (C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5, nC5) as input; it then performs a normalisation routine which removes the drilling signal from the data.
A flexible correction method is available for correcting the gas data where oil-based muds have been used. It is used principally to quickly ascertain the distribution of pay zones in a well and characterises the phase of the petroleum in the zones of interest.
Watch a recent presentation by Tim Dodd on the use of Girasol for analysing wellsite gases:
Watch videoBeing based purely on gas data, it provides a view on the fluid fill of sections penetrated by your well independent from petrophysics
Integration is at the heart of the approach we take, with the gas data being co-visualised with stratigraphic tops, connection gases (automatically filtered from pay calculations), shows and petrophysical data. The software allows very rapid plotting of standard gas interpretation plots such as Pixler, Haworth-Whitaker ratios (wetness, balance and character) and molargrams; additionally, Isotube data can be loaded and cross-compared.