Two new studies of the oils, source rocks and maturity of the Southern Grand Banks and Flemish Pass & Outer Ridge of the Jeanne d’Arc Basins designed to provide better model inputs and calibration for petroleum systems analysis.
13 key wells have been sampled and the results from analyses will be used to assess source potential, possible oil staining and evaluate the thermal history.
New Lower Jurassic source rock screening data (TOC, RE,) and QA/QC of legacy BASIN data
Additional Lower Jurassic oil stain screening and characterisation
Integrated with regional Lower Jurassic oil geochemistry characterisation (East Canada – SW Britain – Ireland – Portugal – Morocco)
Comparisons with Jeanne d’Arc oils and oil stain data to enhance our understanding of Upper and Lower Jurassic source presence
New fission track thermochronology data undertaken by
New maturity analyses combining %Ro / SCI on selected wells
Published 2020
Fig. 1Southern Grand Banks Geochemistry Study
Wells list
Bittern M-62
Bonnition H-32
Coot K-56
Cormorant N-83
Murre G-67
Osprey H-84
St George J-55
Twillick G-49
Skua E-41
Eider M-75
Phalarope P-62
Razorbill F-54
Sandpiper 2J-77
Spoonbill C-30
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